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"STOP!" a rusty voice rings out from behind the fence. You freeze instantly.

You start thinking about good excuses for trespassing, but it turns out that the man that shouted was actually bored and looking for someone to talk to.

From what you can gather, he's a former employee of the factory that now works as a security guard, guarding the rubble. 


Gelu Costache - "Nea Gelu" - 59

Worker at the Beer and Liquor Factory "Margineni" from 1975 until it's demise in 1998. Almost all of his adult life has been spent working as a technician at the liquor section of the factory.

He has no other qualification and he considers that, at his age, he can not learn anything new. When the factory finally shut down, he was left jobless and with no other alternative. He accepted to work as a security guard for a fraction of his formar salary, because he says he can't find anything else.